Monday, March 31, 2008

Why I count on the P.O.

If you want to send me snail mail, I'd love to receive it, although post those letters now. My Canadian friend's boyfriend in Argentina sent her a birthday letter in November and she has yet to receive it. A post card sent in January just arrived.

Send it to me at Desert & Delta Safaris, Private Bag 310, Maun, Botswana

Waiting by the acacia tree and the termite mound for your post... Maria


Stuart Leavenworth said...

So what do you want to send you via snail mail? Some Amador zinfandel? Some Humboldt Fog cheese? How about some snow peas? They are overloading our garden and we must get rid of some.

mary ann said...

Can I just quit work and join you? It has so interfered with my plans to call you before you became unreachable. :(
But I might try once this not-yet-published thing runs....

Miss you and will go the snail mail route. Sounds like you've got a sweet place to hang your hat.


Michelle said...

hey Maria! Have you seen this? Knight Health International Journalism Fellowship seeks experienced journalists with a background in health journalism to lead a high-impact,
results-driven Fellowship in Sub-Saharan Africa.
There is currently a search underway
for two fellows to work in Kenya and South Africa. The placements begin in July 2008. Interested candidates can apply by filling in the electronic application on the Fellowship website:

Journalists can also contact the Fellowship staff directly via email at .In the next round of fellowship selections in 2009; they
will seek Fellows for the current group of Sub-Saharan countries - Kenya,
South Africa and Uganda - and for two more countries, which they will choose

Smiles! Michelle

A magical flower

A magical flower
The guide squeezes this flower and it squirts water like a water pistol

Cathy and Joe Wanzala

Cathy and Joe Wanzala
They couldn't wait to paste the Obama sticker on their car

My main man

My main man
Ernest is my trusty cab driver who blasts music as we make our way through Gabs

Ted Thomas, man of intrigue and style

Ted Thomas, man of intrigue and style
My friend, Ted, and his wife, Mary Ann, hosted a Safari Send-Off for me in Austin and treated me to a special mix of African music that already a UB student and a professor want to download.