Friday, March 28, 2008

More from Moshupa


Since this is a dandy Internet connection, I'll post some more photos. You can't imagine how difficult it's been in some of the cafes to get photos uploaded. I usually give up in frustration, so now Stuart Leavenworth will know why I fail at times not only to take the photo of the Giant Insects from Outer Space but to even consider posting it. It would take too long. But not here in the lap of luxury, where at this moment next to me a white American woman is having a serious minister discussion with black Africans about Robert Mugabe and the election tomorrow in Zimbabwe. If she has her way, God will move Mugabe right out of power. At least that's what my eavesdropping tells me.

But I digress. Back to the photos: So now you can see the hymn-singing time at Spankie's going-away party, the place where we tied on the feedbag of goat meat and the huge pots and pans that the teenage girls had to wash and allow to dry in the sun. Just remember, the sounds of Africa were "Waterloo, finally facing my waterloo" by ABBA. Why, we heard all the hits of ABBA for hours.

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A magical flower

A magical flower
The guide squeezes this flower and it squirts water like a water pistol

Cathy and Joe Wanzala

Cathy and Joe Wanzala
They couldn't wait to paste the Obama sticker on their car

My main man

My main man
Ernest is my trusty cab driver who blasts music as we make our way through Gabs

Ted Thomas, man of intrigue and style

Ted Thomas, man of intrigue and style
My friend, Ted, and his wife, Mary Ann, hosted a Safari Send-Off for me in Austin and treated me to a special mix of African music that already a UB student and a professor want to download.